The Future Of Afghanistan: Understanding The Current State Of The Country

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Afghanistan economy is largely based on agricultural production, which employs more than 57% of the population. The country is considered a developing economy, with a GDP of $18.52 billion in 2012 and an average growth rate of 3.35% since 2004.

The country’s main export partners are China, India, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates as well as other countries in Asia and Europe. In addition to its agriculture-based economy, Afghanistan has been exploring new ways to build its now “low-end” industrial capacity from mining industries that include copper ore and marble extraction as well as other minerals such as lithium and gold – a vital economic move for a country that possesses one-fifth of the world’s mineral deposits but has little domestic manufacturing capacity or infrastructure to extract them.

Afghanistan is a country that is still settling into its new geopolitical and economic position in the world.

Some of the key challenges that Afghanistan faces today are poverty, corruption, and insecurity.

Afghanistan has historically been a country rich with natural resources and minerals. And while this was once a sizeable contributor to the economy, it has declined in importance over the past decade.

Afghanistan is currently considered as one of the poorest countries in the world. But it’s not always been like this.

For centuries, Afghanistan was considered as one of the most developed nations in Asia and middle east. It had a vibrant economy with flourishing trade between nations all throughout Asia and Europe. This was possible because its geographical location made it an important hub for trade routes between India, China, Russia, and Central Asia.

But then came the great war. The country became independent after 300 years of British rule but quickly descended into chaos due to over 50 years of continuous wars until present day Afghanistan emerged from this turmoil as one of the poorest countries in the world with little economic prospects for its future.

Afanghistan’s Dark History

Afghanistan is a country with a history of conflict. It has experienced three major wars which have led to the death of millions of people and left millions more displaced. We are now looking back on the Afghan war in order to learn about this true story that is slowly being forgotten.


The first major war was between 1839-1842, also known as the First Anglo-Afghan War. It was fought between British East India Company troops and Afghanistan’s Emir ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Khān ʿAbdālī over control of Afghanistan ’s Ḥillah region, which had been conquered by the British earlier that year.

Afghanistan is a country that has been in war for the past 40 years. The history of this war is not just a history of violence and bloodshed, but also a history of resistance and hope.

In the 1980s, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan which led to a conflict that claimed many lives. The conflict has been going on for decades and it has been a difficult journey for the native Afghans.

In 1979, the country was invaded by Soviet Union. A new government was formed with Mohammad Najibullah as president of this new republic of Afghanistan. However, his government did not last long as a few years later a new group called Taliban emerged and took over Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is located in South Asia and is bordered by Iran on one side and Pakistan on other side. It also shares its borders with China in the far east as well as Turkmenistan in North-East which lies on border with Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan

The country started to take its shape in the 19th century. The Russians, who had conquered the territory of Turkistan, including the city of Kabul, invaded Afghanistan.

Afghan people have been struggling ever since. They have been ruled by various occupiers – British, Soviet Union and the US-led coalition forces. The Taliban regime has also left a devastating imprint on Afghan history.

The country’s dark history is intertwined with one another. All these events have affected Afghanistan’s current economic situation and social stability to a great extent.

The Afghans have been in an on-going war for decades, with no end in sight. They have experienced the horrors of war in their own country.

Afghanistan has one of the most complicated histories of any country in the world. It has been through multiple wars and conflicts over the centuries, including World War II and the Cold War. The country’s location made it a strategic prize for many different cultures and empires throughout history.

Afghans have experienced decades of war and conflict. Despite this, much hope has been given to the people of Afghanistan. The hope that their country will prosper and flourish once again. Unfortunately, recent events have drastically changed this narrative.

The US’s presence in Afghanistan can largely be attributed to its geo-strategic position at the crossroads of Central Asia and the Middle East, as well as for its natural resources. It is no surprise, then, that it has been invaded so many times throughout history. But why are these invasions happening?

This is a continuation of our series exploring different aspects of Afghanistan’s dark history.

Afghan Refugees

Since 1979, Afghanistan had been at war with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union withdrew in 1989, but this left the country in ruins. As a result, Afghans settled for whatever they could find to eke out a living.

The Afghan refugee crisis has created tensions in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries that are now stretching over  5 million people displaced.  There are now about 2.6 million Afghan refugees living outside their home country, which is the largest refugee population from any single conflict since WWII (UNHCR).  Many of these refugees are children; 1 in 3 Afghan children is now either internally displaced or living as refugees abroad (UNICEF).

Afghanistan has low levels of literacy and high levels of poverty.

The US intervention in Afghanistan in 2001 was motivated by the USs belief that the Taliban were harboring Osama bin Laden and his terrorist group al-Qaeda. The conflict initiated by this intervention has been ongoing for 17 years and has taken a toll on Afghan civilians.

It is estimated that about 2 million Afghans have been killed since 2001, with around 200,000 civilians having been killed in 2016 alone. This means tens of thousands of Afghans die each year due to this conflict and more than 16 million people—roughly 40 percent of Afghanistan’s population—have been displaced within their own country or across borders as refugees.

The refugee crisis in Afghanistan is largely caused by the US intervention and its occupation of Afghanistan.

The Afghan War was a conflict in Afghanistan from 1978 to 1992. This conflict is also known as the Soviet-Afghan War. The war was initiated after Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan when they were threatened by spreading anti-communist ideals in the country.

The United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) supported Afghan rebels fighting against Soviets. This eventually led to the withdrawal of Soviet Union from Afghanistan in 1989 and later on, U.S. involvement ended in 1992 with a total of 15,000 people killed or wounded.

In Afghanistan, war has been going on for more than 30 years. As a result, it’s now one of the most dangerous places in the world. The Afghan people have been involved in wars and conflicts for decades and as a result, they became refugees.

Afghan refugees are amongst the largest refugee populations worldwide. Many of them have been living abroad since 1990s or even earlier because of war and conflict back at home.

The Afghan war has taken a toll on their lives and livelihoods to such an extent that they had to leave their country in search of peace and safety abroad.

Afghan refugees are people who have fled their country. They are displaced because of an armed conflict, natural disaster, or other man-made disaster. Afghans make up the second largest refugee population in the world at around 5 million refugees. Afghans began fleeing their country in 1978 due to the Soviet military presence in Afghanistan and later by the Taliban regime.

With this increased number of Afghan refugees, many countries – including Iran, Pakistan, India and Europe – have opened up their borders to refugees. Of these countries Iran has taken in 1 million Afghan refugees while Pakistan has taken 1 million as well.

Afganistan’s Current State

Afghanistan has been taken over by the taliban in August 2021, which led to thousands of afghanistan fled out of the country for safety. The US military force have left afghanistan. Thousands are still trying to flee out of the country to escape the horror of the taliban, but there is no hope for exit because the taliban has taken over everywhere, everything in the afghanistan.

Afghanistan is currently in the midst of a deadly conflict. The Taliban has been fighting to take control of the country for years, and they are still on the Afghan government’s tail. But there are signs that the situation may be improving.

The Taliban had come close to taking over Afghanistan in 2011, but the Afghan National Army was able to push them back into hiding after some fierce battles. As of today, there is no peace in Afghanistan because it continues to be an active war zone.

However, it seems like things may be turning around for this embattled nation. The United States has withdrawn its troops from Afghanistan and also agreed with Pakistan to help coordinate attacks against terrorist groups operating on both sides of the border.

Eleven years after the US invaded Afghanistan, the country is still fighting to stabilize its regions. The Taliban has been fighting the Afghan government since it was removed from power in 2001. Afghanistan’s current state is quite fragile because of this ongoing conflict.

Afghanistan’s current state has not changed much over the last few years, but there are some positive signs of progress. There are more women in the parliament and there has been a decrease in violence against women.

The Taliban insurgency still operates in many parts of Afghanistan, including Kabul, where their suicide bombings have recently increased in frequency against Afghan troops and other targets.

Afghanistan, an Asian country, is the world’s 19th largest country in terms of land area. The country is bordered by Pakistan to the south and east, Iran to the west, Turkmenistan to the north-west and China to the far north-east. It has a population of about 32 million people.

The current state of Afghanistan can be summed up in two words – conflict and peace. The conflicts in Afghanistan date back for centuries although it wasn’t until 1979 that Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan which led to a 10 year long war (1979-1989). It was after Soviet troops were removed from Afghanistan that conflict continued over many years with over 100 different groups fighting against each other. However, it was not until 2001 when US troops arrived in Afghanistan that peace finally returned again

The conflict in Afghanistan is one of the longest-running international conflicts. It has been going on for nearly 40 years and it costs the world more than $5 billion dollars annually. The country has been experiencing a period of peace since 2001, but that peace is being threatened by ISIS and other terrorist groups.

In the past couple of years, there have been a number of suicide bombings, civil wars, and terrorist attacks in Afghanistan. There are also concerns over the government’s inability to provide security to its people due to its lack of funds and resources.

How To Help

The people of Afghanistan need our help. They are in need of food, water, shelter, and other basic needs.

The best way to help is to donate to charities that are providing the needed services in Afghanistan.

The first step should be acknowledging that there is a problem. Our society has short-term memory. We are always looking for the next scandal, the next problem to solve, the next turnaround story for our friends to see. And yet, sometimes we have to stop and remember that there are people who have been living through difficult times for decades not years or weeks or months.

There are many charities out there that help in Afghanistan. One charity is called Heal Afghanistan. They provide health care services, medical supplies and educational support to Afghan children and their families living in remote regions of Afghanistan where these services are unavailable. Another charity is called The Afghan Connection which provides education programs to young Afghans living in poverty around the world including refugee camps in Pakistan and Syria, as well as rural villages in Afghanistan itself.


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